Moin zusammen,
verkaufe diese MK3 Reste.
Macht mir ein Angebot was ich nicht ablehnen kann
Anson Durst
Feora the Forsaken
Attendant Priest
2x High exemplar Kreoss
40x Revenger
Grand Scrutator Severius
Grand Exemplar Kreoss
Hierarch Severius
41x Repenter
Malekus the Burning Truth
Feora, Priestess of the Flame
12x High Exemplar Kreoss
36x Crusader
Eradicators (14 Models)
Obstructors (4 Models)
Reciprocators (4 Models)
Perforators (4 Models)
Reductors (14 Models)
21x Cipher
26x Forge Master Syntherion
Strider Blightblades / Rangers
4x Vayl, Disciple of Everblight
Nephilim Bolt Thrower
84x Shredder
20x Lylyth, Herald of Everblight Warlock
20x Carnivean Heavy Warbeast
Lord Tyrant Hexeris
Praetorian Karax Officer & Standard
Lord Assassin Morghoul
Basilisk Drake
Venator Catapult Crew
2x Venator Flayer Cannon Crew
Supreme Archdomina Makeda
62x Cyclops Savage
3x Cyclops Raider
Extreme Titan Gladiator
2x Praetorian Keltarii // Praetorian Swordsmen
Praetorian Karax
2x Nihilators
Cataphract Arcuarii
Praetorian Swordsmen (6 Models)
Cannoner / Gladiator Sentry Kit
3x Tyrant Xerxis
35x Titan Gladiator
3x Beast Master Xekaar
Void Seer Mordikaar
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor
28x Master Tormentor Morghoul Warlock
Dhunian Knot
Captain Gunnbjorn
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Rage of Dhunia
Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller
Pyg Burrowers (2 Model)
Troll Bouncer
Trollkin Warders
Kriel Warriors
Trollkin Champions
Fell Caller Hero
5x Hoarluk Doomshaper, Shaman of the Gnarls
Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain
10x Troll Axer
8x Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain
16x Troll Impaler
Warpborn Skinwalkers (6 Models)
Argus Moonhound
Tharn Bloodtrackers (2 Models)+
10x Feral Warpwolf
17x Kaya (with Argus and Winter Argus)
Dr. Arkadius
2x Farrow Brigands
War Hog
Bog Trog Ambushers (2 Models)
Alten Ashley
Razor Boars
Viktor Pendrake
3x Ogrun Bokur
Bloody Barnabas
Totem Hunter
Death Archons
2xDefiled Archon
Crucible Guard:
Dragon's Breath Rocket
Aurum Adeptus Syvestro
Gorman di Wulfe
Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (1 Model)
Crucible Guard Storm Troopers (6 Models)
Ghordson Earthbreaker
Steelhead Halberdiers
Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps
3x Savio Montero Acosta
Cognifex Cyphon
2x Fiona the Black
Dannon Blythe & Bull
Black Bella, Duchess of Dread
Ashlynn d'Elyse
Colbie Sterling, Captain of the BRI ('Jack Marshal)
3x Void Archons
Thamarite Archons
Sword Knights (2 Models)
13x Commander Coleman Stryker
Artificer General Nemo & Storm Chaser Adept Caitlin Finch
Captain Jonas Murdoch
Major Markus ‘Siege’ Brisbane
1x Major Beth Maddox
31x Warwitch Deneghra
Bane Witch Agathia
Deathripper light warjack
Bane Warriors
2x Wraith Witch Deneghra
52x Defiler
19x Slayer
Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khardov
3x Kommander Orsus Zoktavir
Kommander Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed
38x Kommander Sorscha
The Old Witch of Khador & Scrapjack
Iron Fang Uhlans (9 Models)
Great Bears of the Gallowswood
Winter Guard Mortar Crew
Lord Kozlov, Viscount of Scarsgrad
Kayazy Eliminators
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich
Iron Fang Kovnik
Kommandant Irusk
2x Widowmaker Marksman
Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova
Kovnik Andrei Malakov
Extreme Juggernaut
3x Extreme Destroyer
4x Extreme Magnatized
Man-o-War Demolition Corps (6 Models)
Man-o-War Shocktroopers (6 Models)
Iron Fang Pikemen (15 Models)
Black Dragons (5 Models)
Assault Kommandos
Kossite Woodsmen
Battle Mechaniks (9 Models)
Kayazy Assassins
Winter Guard Infantry (13 Models)
Winter Guard Rifle Corps (15 Models)