Aber die Änderungen in Woche 2 sind in dem PDF nicht hervorgehoben, oder bin ich einfach mal wieder (farben)-blind?
EDIT: Also im Dokument seh ich nix - aber im entsprechenden Thread:
Death Archon
- Final Rules for the Death Archon are in the CID pdf
With the Death Archon being released on Friday, we've included its final rules for your consideration during list building in this CID. Please note that the Death Archon's rules are locked and are not subject to change.
If you saw the old preview we did about a month ago, and are wondering what changed between now and then, two main things changed on the Death Archon. Instead of having Necroharvester it now has Bring out Your Dead! (though this version allows for 3 corpse tokens instead of 5, some models that have this rule go up to 5). This change does allow the Death Archon to gain corpse tokens from friendly non-Faction models, though the trade-off is that it no longer collects friendly undead at all.
Additionally, it lost its potential to side-step, and instead gained a once-per-turn 2" place effect that triggers similar to when side-step does. Basically it lost a potential 2" of movement, but the 2" it retained is now a place instead of an advance.
Ascendant Mentalist
- Reduced P+S of Force Crush to 12
- Force Crush lost Knockdown and gained Critical Knockdown
- Mentalist gained Special Issue
- Increased the range of Psychokinetic Shield's effect to 5", and updated wording to prevent models that activate in the aura from being to run, charge, etc
Feedback indicated that the Mentalist was a bit too strong, especially as a 2-for-1 requisition option. Force Aura is an incredibly powerful ability to give to a Faction, and your feedback reflected that. We aren't looking to cut this ability, but instead ensure that the Mentalist is properly point costed for what it brings.
For starters, we've added Special Issue, meaning that this model will always cost its points no matter what theme you play. With that in mind, we are leaving it at PC 4 given some of the other changes we've made.
We've reduced its melee capabilities as, again, it looks to have come out the gate a bit too strong for its point cost and other utility. Speaking of utility, we have increased the effectiveness of its Psychokinetic Shield, which now extends to 5" from the model, hopefully making it a more appealing option on turns when the Mentalist isn't using Force Aura to protect your troops on the approach.
Containment Operatives
- Weaponized Psychotropics rule has been rewritten.
Weaponized Psychotropic - This weapon’s base stats become AOE – and POW 12 for this attack . Enemy warrior models hit by this attack have their LOS reduced to 5” for one round.
The majority of feedback indicates that the drug induced stumbling effect from the previous version of Psychotropics wasn't going to be terribly fun to resolve, so we've replaced it with an alternate (read: completely different) version that, while stronger in our opinion, should be much easier to play with. It's also provides the unit with a shot type that is a pretty effective debuff to many Archons or other powerful solos. Not to mention 'casters.
We do not think this change warrants an increase in the unit's cost.
Crucible Guard Assault Troopers
- Reduce P+S of Thermal Hammer to 12
- Thermal Hammer gains Weaponmaster
- Thermal Hammer loses Brutal Charge, loses Flame Burst, gains Eruption of Ash
To respond to feedback, we aren't looking to just give this a unit a threat extension, but would rather make them more impactful when they do arrive given how slow they can be getting up the field.
With that in mind we've given their Hammer weaponmaster and dropped its P+S and Brutal Charge to compensate. Before, the unit was hitting at P+S 16 on a charge, with a follow up P+S 14 thanks to Backdraft. Now, when a model in this unit double taps an enemy the damage potential is more consistent, a bit lower than before on the charge attack and higher on the non-charge attack.
Additionally, to give the unit more "oomph" when it arrives, and to give them further differentiation from the Failed Experiments, we've replaced Flame Burst with Eruption of Ash. This will allow the Assault Troopers to potentially clear out lots of clumped up low ARM infantry (much like the Failed Experiments can), but unlike the Experiments the Assault Troopers will also leave behind a cloud wall to potentially block LOS to the rest of your army or kill the next wave of enemies that try to approach.
Failed Experiments
- SPD, STR, and MAT are now fixed values of 6
- Chemical Imbalance rewritten to provide a +2 bonus to one stat, and +1 to another stat at start of unit's activation.
Chemical Imbalance - When this unit activates, choose two different stats from the following: MAT, SPD, STR. This unit gains +2 to one chosen stat, and +1 to the other chosen stat. You choose which stat receives which bonus. These bonuses last for one round.
Feedback indicate that the previous version of Chemical Imbalance was too difficult to keep track of, as well as player concerns of what would happen should a player forget to assign values. We have changed the rule language (its effect in game remains almost identical) for ease of play and understanding.
Rocketman Stinger
- Alchemical Injector loses Paralysis attack type, gains Shadow Bind attack type
Feedback regarding the unshakeable nature of Paralysis on such a low cost and potentially difficult to remove model as the Stinger was heard, and we have adjusted the rule by replacing it with the infinitely more shakable Shadow Bind.
We have heard the feedback regarding the max damage the Stinger can do to another solo or multi-wound model is 2, which is intentional. Given the potency of the debuffs it can give out, and how difficult it can be to kill, we do not want to also increase its flat damage with an ability should as Deadly Shot or similar things.
Lukas di Morray
- Lukas loses Synergy spell
Overall we are happy with Lukas and how the new Juice mechanic is working. During this rework, we didn't just swap out one of his spells for another, but we also added an additional spell slot to his list. This turned out to be a potential tipping point for his power level, and thus we've reduced him back down to his original number of spells.
Synergy, while powerful, was shown to not be necessary for Lukas to be a viable and strong caster. He retains Telekinesis, perhaps the single most potent spell in the game, so we feel he will be just fine without Synergy. This change also firmly plants him even more into the "Spellslinger" category, with some battlegroup support in the form of his feat (and of course, TK).
Combat Alchemists
- Replaced Acid Blast attack type with Acid Bomb attack type
- Unit gained Swift Hunter
While the Combat Alchemists were not in week 1, and while we normally do not add models not in a CID, we have decided to make an exception in this case. This is definitely not the norm, but something we felt should happen after much discussion and consideration.
We don't want this unit to have reposition and smoke clouds, but we did want to up their potential damage output and give them a tad more maneuverability. Much like their long ranged cousins, the Containment Ops, we've given them Acid Bomb as their primary damage dealer. Additionally, we felt Swift Hunter was the right about of mobility we were looking for, versus Repo or even something like Run-and-Gun.
- Increased POW of Multi-Chambered Compression Cannon to 15
This is a small change for the Vindicator this week, given the amount of feedback we received, but looking over the feedback we're beginning to think that ROF 2 on its gun would be too powerful, and perhaps require a points increase, which we don't want to do. Instead, we've decided to up the POW of the Cannon to 15 which, while nice on a direct hit, also bumps its blast damage up from 7 to 8. With Powerful Attack boosting all of its blast damage, we feel this is a nice increase in output, while not being so much it would require the model to increase in points.