Eisenhammer VI - Family Reunion (20./21.11)

  • Huh interessant nirgendwo im Turnier steht wie viel pt die Listen sein sollen. Klar 75, aber mit den neuen Anpassungen kann ich auch sehen, dass in Zukunft 50pt Turniere wieder populĂ€r werden weil weniger auf dem Tisch weshalb ich gerade auf den Gedanken kam

  • Nochmal ein Aufruf: wir brauchen. Ich je einen Spieler fĂŒr das Dice&Duty Team und noch einen weiteren Spieler fĂŒr ein potenzielles MĂŒnchner Team bestehend aus beiden Moritzen. Wenn wir diese Teams noch voll kriegen dann sind wir 15 Teams (also fast voll)! Es können sich gerne AnfĂ€nger und Turnerneulinge melden. Beide Teams sind absolut nette Menschen. 😊

  • Wirklich keiner mehr Zeit um bei einem der beiden Teams auszuhalten? Wir wollen doch nen vollen Eisenhammer haben. Fragt bitte nochmal rum.

    Und bis auf die Belgier und 1 deutsches Team (von dem ich es am wenigsten erwartet habe) hat noch kein anderes Team seine Essensbestellung bei mir abgegeben.

  • Ich könnte dir einen leihen.

  • Das wĂ€re ein Traum! Danke.

    Gern, erinner mich bitte noch mal nen Tag vor dem Turnier dran.

  • Wohooo! Wir sind voll! Das letzte Team wird von der Orga vervollstĂ€ndigt da sich leider keiner mehr gemeldet hat. Sollte doch noch jemand zeit haben und mitmachen wollen, dann einfach bei mir melden.

    Ich freue mich schon drauf euch alle auf dem Turnier zu sehen. Und vergesst bitte nicht die Deadline fĂŒr die Armeelisten und das Essen. Ohne die Armeelisten gibt es keine Schmockratings... 😉

  • Thrullg habe ich, aber Pigs sind hĂ€sslich sowas Kauf ich mir nicht 8o

    Was mir gerade aufgefallen ist: Ich hab zwar 4 Mal das Walker Chassis von CoC aber nur 2 Mal Monitor Arme. Jetzt stehen auf meiner Liste aber 3 Monitors...

    Kommt irgendwer der anderen 3 CoC spieler Deutschlands auf das Turnier und kann mir einen mitbringen?

  • aber Pigs sind hĂ€sslich sowas Kauf ich mir nicht 8o

    In den Top 3 Listen vom letzten WE war aber Morghoul 2 mit 3x Brigands und 2x Slaughterhousers ;P

  • Gabel, Schere, Messer, Lich


    [Theme] Children of the Dragon

    [Bethayne 1] Bethayne, Voice of Everblight [+22]

    - Archangel [35]

    - Azrael [17]

    Blight Archon [9]

    - Mekanoshredder [4]

    - Naga Nightlurker [7]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    The Forsaken [0(4)]

    Virtue Champion [6]

    Yssylla [0(5)]

    Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters (min) [9]

    - Bayal, Hound of Everblight [0(5)]

    Ice Witches [5]

    [Theme] Oracles of Annihilation

    [Lylyth 4] Mekanolyth [+28]

    - Archangel [35]

    - Ravagore [14]

    Beast Mistress [2]

    - Naga Nightlurker [7]

    Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]

    Death Archon [9]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Thagrosh Hellborne [0(5)]

    - Typhon [18]

    The Forsaken [0(4)]

    Yssylla [0(5)]

    Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron [5]

    Spawning Vessel (min) [4]


    [Theme] Flame in the Darkness

    [Stryker 1] Commander Coleman Stryker [+30]

    - Galleon [34]

    Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [6]

    Grand Master Gabriel Throne [7]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    Morrowan Archon [8]

    Morrowan Archon [8]

    Ragman [0(3)]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Field Mechaniks (max) [4]

    Precursor Knights (max) [14]

    - Morrowan Battle Priest (3) [6]

    - Precursor Knight Officer & Standard [0(4)]

    [Theme] Heavy Metal

    [Haley 2] Major Victoria Haley [+29]

    - Stormclad [17]

    - Thorn [11]

    - Squire [0(4)]

    Captain Arlan Strangewayes [0(4)]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Journeyman Lieutenant Allister Caine [0(4)]

    - Thunderhead [18]

    Journeyman Warcaster [3]

    - Firefly [7]

    Savio Montero Acosta [6]

    Field Mechaniks (max) [4]

    Artificer Prime Nemo [18]

    - Mangler [14]


    [Theme] Forges of War

    [Falcir 1] Falcir, the Merciless [+28]

    - Discordia [18]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Manticore [14]

    - Manticore [14]

    - Fane Knight Guardian [3]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber [4]

    - Harpy [9]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    House Shyeel Artificer [3]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    Dawnguard Trident [16]

    [Theme] Forges of War

    [Issyria 1] Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn [+29]

    - Chimera [8]

    - Discordia [18]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Manticore [14]

    - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker [4]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    House Shyeel Artificer [3]

    - Griffon [8]

    House Shyeel Artificer [3]

    - Griffon [8]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    Dawnguard Trident [16]

    Evil like

    Tim Bossuyt - Cryx (captain)

    [Theme] Black Industries

    [Deneghra 3] Deneghra, the Soul Weaver [+27]

    - Deathripper [5]

    - Inflictor [11]

    - Leviathan [14]

    - Leviathan [14]

    - Leviathan [14]

    - The Withershadow Combine [7]

    Bloat Thrall [2]

    Bloat Thrall [2]

    Bloat Thrall Overseer Mobius [0(4)]

    Hellslinger Phantom [6]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Necrotech [1]

    Necrotech [1]

    Necrotech [1]

    Ol' Grim [6]

    Pistol Wraith [0(4)]

    Soul Trapper [1]

    Cephalyx Overlords [6]

    Mechanithralls (min) [6]

    - Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]

    [Theme] Dark Host

    [Asphyxious 2] Lich Lord Asphyxious [+28]

    - Deathripper [5]

    - Desecrator [12]

    - Desecrator [12]

    Bane Lord Tartarus [0(5)]

    Darragh Wrathe [7]

    Necrotech [1]

    Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

    Bane Knights (max) [13]

    - Bane Knight Officer [4]

    Bane Riders (max) [17]

    Bane Warriors (min) [8]

    - Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [0(5)]

    Bane Warriors (min) [8]

    - Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [0(5)]

    Wraith Engine [15]

    Stijn Gaytant - Cryx

    [Theme] Dark Host

    [Skarre 1] Pirate Queen Skarre [+28]

    - Stalker [8]

    - Stalker [8]

    - Stalker [8]

    - Stalker [8]

    - Skarlock Thrall [3]

    Bane Lord Tartarus [0(5)]

    Darragh Wrathe [7]

    Necrotech [1]

    Necrotech [1]

    Scrap Thrall (3) [2]

    Soul Trapper [1]

    Bane Knights (max) [13]

    - Bane Knight Officer [0(4)]

    Bane Knights (max) [13]

    - Bane Knight Officer [0(4)]

    Wraith Engine [15]

    Wraith Engine [15]

    [Theme] Black Industries

    [Scaverous 1] Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]

    - Barathrum [13]

    - Deathjack [18]

    - Deathripper [5]

    - Deathripper [5]

    - Doctor Stygius [0(4)]

    Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [0(4)]

    - Kharybdis [15]

    Soul Trapper [1]

    Warwitch Siren [3]

    Warwitch Siren [3]

    Asphyxious the Sanctified [14]

    - Nomad [11]

    Black Ogrun Ironmongers [5]

    Mechanithralls (min) [6]

    - Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]

    - Skarlock Commander [3]

    Benoit Van Lee – Skorne

    [Theme] Disciples of Agony

    [Makeda 3] Makeda & the Exalted Court [+25]

    - Archidon [10]

    - Basilisk Krea [7]

    - Blackhide Wrastler [14]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Aptimus Marketh [0(4)]

    Death Archon [9]

    Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

    Feralgeist [2]

    Tyrant Zaadesh [0(3)]

    - Agonizer [0(5)]

    - The Terrorizer [7]

    Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

    Siege Animantarax [17]

    [Theme] Masters of War

    [Makeda 1] Archdomina Makeda [+29]

    - Agonizer [5]

    - Mammoth [32]

    - Titan Gladiator [13]

    - Aptimus Marketh [0(4)]

    Swamp Gobber Chef [1]

    Cataphract Cetrati (max) [15]

    - Tyrant Vorkesh [0(5)]

    Legends of Halaak [7]

    Praetorian Swordsmen (max) [12]

    - Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard [3]

    Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [0(5)]

    Supreme Guardian [16]

  • BĂŒndniss21:


    Theme: Defenders of Ios

    Kaelyssa, The Night's Whisper - WJ: +29

    - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker - PC: 4

    - Phoenix - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)

    - Aeternae - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    Dawnguard Trident - PC: 16

    Arcantrik Force Generator - PC: 17

    Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber - PC: 4

    - Gorgon - PC: 8

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 0

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 3

    House Ellowuyr Swordsmen - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16

    - House Ellowuyr Swordsman Officer & Standard - PC: 0

    - Soulless Escort - PC: 1

    Theme: Legions of Dawn

    Elara, Death's Shadow - WJ: +28

    - Chimera - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)

    - Imperatus - PC: 19 (Battlegroup Points Used: 19)

    Dawnguard Trident - PC: 16

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 0

    House Shyeel Artificer - PC: 3

    - Griffon - PC: 8

    Dawnguard Sentinel Scyir - PC: 0

    - Griffon - PC: 8

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 3

    Dawnguard Invictors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    - Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard: 0

    Dawnguard Sentinels - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15

    - Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard: 3


    Theme: Will Work For Food

    Rask - WB: +27

    - Gatorman Soul Slave - PC: 0

    - Blackhide Wrastler - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Swamp Horror - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    Rorsh - Rorsh & Brine: 14

    - Brine

    Barnabas the Conqueror - PC: 0

    - Swamp Horror - PC: 15

    Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo - PC: 0

    Bog Trog Mist Speaker - PC: 3

    Wrong Eye - Wrong Eye & Snapjaw: 16

    - Snapjaw

    Death Archon - PC: 9

    Death Archon - PC: 9

    Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron - Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron: 5

    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2

    Theme: Will Work For Food

    Lord Azazello, The Castellan - WB: +29

    - Targ - PC: 3

    - Gun Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Gun Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Gun Boar - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Splatter Boar - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)

    Primal Archon - PC: 8

    Primal Archon - PC: 8

    Barnabas the Conqueror - PC: 0

    - Bull Snapper - PC: 5

    Totem Hunter - PC: 0

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo - PC: 0

    Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 3

    Void Archon - PC: 9

    Thrullg - PC: 3

    Farrow Valkyries - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Farrow Valkyries - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Farrow Valkyries - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8


    Theme: Prima Materia

    Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart - WJ: +30

    - Mr. Clogg

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc - PC: 0

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc (Big Alyce)

    - Vulcan - PC: 35 (Battlegroup Points Used: 30)

    - Vindicator - PC: 15

    Railless Interceptor - PC: 16

    Ascendant Mentalist - PC: 0

    Trancer - PC: 0

    Trancer - PC: 0

    Ascendant Mentalist - PC: 4

    Crucible Guard Mechanik - PC: 1

    Crucible Guard Mechanik - PC: 1

    Crucible Guard Mechanik - PC: 1

    Failed Experiments - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Theme: Prima Materia

    Aurum Legate Lukas di Morray - WJ: +26

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc - PC: 0

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc (Big Alyce)

    - Liberator - PC: 10 (Battlegroup Points Used: 10)

    - Vindicator - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)

    - Vindicator - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 1)

    - Vindicator - PC: 15

    - Vindicator - PC: 15

    Prospero - PC: 0

    - Suppressor - PC: 13

    Trancer - PC: 0

    Trancer - PC: 0

    Ascendant Mentalist - PC: 4

    Failed Experiments - Leader & 4 Grunts: 14

    Andi Scheuers


    Theme: Storm of the North

    Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch - WB: +28

    - Trollkin Runebearer - PC: 0

    - Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)

    - Dire Troll Mauler - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 12)

    Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North - PC: 0

    Bumbles - PC: 6

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Fell Caller Hero - PC: 0

    Troll Whelps - PC: 1

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    - Northkin Elder - PC: 3

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears - Bear Handler & 2 Battle Bears: 10

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears - Bear Handler & 2 Battle Bears: 10

    Northkin Fire Eaters - Leader, Trollkin Grunt, and Pyg Grunt: 6

    Northkin Fire Eaters - Leader, Trollkin Grunt, and Pyg Grunt: 6

    Trollkin Champions - Leader & 4 Grunts: 16

    - Skaldi Bonehammer - PC: 3

    Theme: Vengeance of Dhunia

    Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III - WB: +28

    - Glacier King - PC: 32 (Battlegroup Points Used: 28)

    - Mountain King - PC: 33

    - Sea King - PC: 32

    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1

    Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter - PC: 0

    Dhunian Knot - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5

    - Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 0


    Theme: Bump in the Night

    Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper - WB: +29

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Cage Rager - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)

    - Crabbit - PC: 3

    Lord Longfellow - PC: 0

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Cask Imp - 2 Cask Imps: 1

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    Neigh Slayers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 12

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse - PC: 0

    Neigh Slayers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 12

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse - PC: 0

    Twilight Sisters - Heidrun & Agrona: 5

    Murder Crows - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9

    Hollowmen - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8

    Theme: Dark Menagerie

    The Wanderer - WB: +28

    - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts - PC: 4

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 4)

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14

    - Frightmare - PC: 7

    Lady Karianna Rose - PC: 3

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Witchwood - PC: 0


    Theme: The Wild Hunt

    Kaya the Wildheart - WB: +27

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 3)

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Wild Argus - PC: 6

    - Feral Warpwolf - PC: 14

    Krueger the Stormseer - PC: 0

    - Argus Moonhound - PC: 5

    Lord of the Feast - PC: 0

    War Wolf - PC: 0

    War Wolf - PC: 0

    War Wolf - PC: 0

    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1

    Wolves of Orboros - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    - Wolves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard - Chieftain & Standard Bearer: 3

    Theme: The Devourer's Host

    Morvahna the Autumnblade - WB: +28

    - Tharn Blood Shaman - PC: 3

    - Brennos the Elderhorn - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Feral Warpwolf - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    Well of Orboros - PC: 10

    Lord of the Feast - PC: 0

    Gallows Grove - PC: 2

    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1

    Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron - Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron: 5

    Brighid & Caul - Brighid & Caul: 7

    Death Wolves - Skoll, Tala & Caleb: 9

    Tharn Bloodtrackers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15

    -Nuala the Huntress - PC: 0

    Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15

    - Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 0

    Tharn Bloodweavers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 8

  • „In vino veritas

    Andreas "Raskild" Tonndorf

    [Theme] Prima Materia

    [Gearhart 1] Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart [+30]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Vulcan [35]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [3]

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (min) [8]

    Crucible Guard Storm Troopers (max) [16]

    Failed Experiments (min) [8]

    [Theme] Prima Materia

    [Lukas 1] Aurum Legate Lukas di Morray [+26]

    - Liberator [10]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Death Archon [9]

    Death Archon [9]

    Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [0(5)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

    Sven "Skathrex" Dosch

    [Theme] Winter Guard Kommand

    [Kozlov 1] Lord Kozlov, Viscount of Scarsgrad [+28]

    - Devastator [14]

    - Spriggan [17]

    - Spriggan [17]

    - Greylord Adjunct [0(3)]

    Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [6]

    Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff [0(4)]

    - Marauder [11]

    Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich [3]

    Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [0(3)]

    Winter Guard Artillery Kapitan [0(3)]

    Assault Kommandos (max) [11]

    Assault Kommandos (max) [11]

    Winter Guard Rifle Corps (min) [7]

    –Winter Guard Rocketeer (3) [6]

    [Theme] Jaws of the Wolf

    [Strakhov 1] Kommander Oleg Strakhov [+28]

    - Behemoth [20]

    - Juggernaut [13]

    - Juggernaut [13]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Greylord Adjunct [3]

    Greylord Forge Seer [0(4)]

    Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff [0(4)]

    - Marauder [11]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Widowmaker Marksman [3]

    Battle Mechaniks (min) [2]

    Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)]

    Kayazy Eliminators [4]

    Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7]

    Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7]

    Tobias "Madson" Matt

    [Theme] Band of Heroes

    [Madrak 3] Madrak, Great Chieftain [+29]

    - Pyre Troll [8]

    - Storm Troll [7]

    - Troll Axer [8]

    - Troll Basher [7]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Fell Caller Hero [0(4)]

    Fennblade Kithkar [3]

    Stone Scribe Chronicler [2]

    Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (min) [8]

    Kriel Warriors (min) [7]

    - Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (3) [6]

    Trollkin Champions (max) [16]

    - Skaldi Bonehammer [3]

    Trollkin Fennblades (max) [13]

    - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [0(4)]

    Trollkin Warders (min) [10]


    [Theme] Power of Dhunia

    [Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]

    - Dire Troll Mauler [13]

    - Mulg the Ancient [18]

    - Troll Axer [8]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Boomhowler, the Destroyer [8]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Janissa Stonetide [3]

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels [0(5)]

    - Mountain King [33]

    Northkin Shaman [2]

    Northkin Shaman [2]

    Dhunian Knot [0(6)]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [5]

    - Northkin Elder [3]

    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]



    [Theme] Bump in the Night

    [Old Witch 3] Zevanna Agha, the Fate Keeper [+29]

    - Cage Rager [13]

    - Clockatrice [13]

    - Frightmare [7]

    Defiled Archon [8]

    Defiled Archon [8]

    Grave Ghoul [4]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Lord Longfellow [0(5)]

    Trapperkin [3]

    Mad Caps [3]

    Mad Caps [3]

    Malady Man [0(6)]

    Malady Man [0(6)]

    Neigh Slayers (max) [12]

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse [4]

    Neigh Slayers (max) [12]

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse [4]

    Twilight Sisters [5]

    [Theme] Dark Menagerie

    [Child 1] The Child [+29]

    - Cage Rager [13]

    - Clockatrice [13]

    - Clockatrice [13]

    - Crabbit [0(3)]

    - Crabbit [0(3)]

    - Gorehound [6]

    - Skin & Moans [14]

    - Skin & Moans [14]

    - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts [4]

    Defiled Archon [8]

    Gremlin Swarm [0(3)]

    Gremlin Swarm [0(3)]

    Gremlin Swarm [0(3)]

    Gremlin Swarm [0(3)]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Lady Karianna Rose [3]

    Death Knell [11]


    [Theme] The Devourer's Host

    [Krueger 2] Krueger the Stormlord [+27]

    - Ghetorix [17]

    - Storm Raptor [34]

    - Warpwolf Stalker [15]

    - Tharn Blood Shaman [0(3)]

    Gallows Grove [2]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Tharn Wolf Rider Champion [6]

    Tharn Bloodtrackers (max) [15]

    - Nuala the Huntress [0(4)]

    Tharn Bloodweavers [8]

    - Tharn Bloodweaver Haruspex [0(4)]

    [Theme] The Wild Hunt

    [Kaya 3] Kaya the Wildheart [+27]

    - Feral Warpwolf [14]

    - Ghetorix [17]

    - Loki [15]

    - Pureblood Warpwolf [15]

    - Rip Horn Satyr [11]

    - Warpwolf Stalker [15]

    - Warpwolf Stalker [15]

    - Druid Wilder [0(3)]

    Blackclad Wayfarer [0(3)]

    Lord of the Feast [0(5)]


    [Theme] Storm of the North

    [Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]

    - Dire Troll Brawler [14]

    - Pyre Troll [8]

    - Storm Troll [7]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Boomhowler, the Destroyer [8]

    Bumbles [6]

    Fell Caller Hero [0(4)]

    Troll Whelps [1]

    Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(5)]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [5]

    - Northkin Elder [3]

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10]

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10]

    Northkin Fire Eaters [6]

    Northkin Fire Eaters [6]

    Trollkin Champions (max) [16]

    - Skaldi Bonehammer [3]

    [Theme] Vengeance of Dhunia

    [Calandra 1] Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood [+27]

    - Earthborn Dire Troll [12]

    - Earthborn Dire Troll [12]

    - Pyre Troll [8]

    - Storm Troll [7]

    Boomhowler, the Destroyer [8]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    General 'Thunderstone' Brug [0(4)]

    Gudrun the Wasted [0(5)]

    Trollkin Champion Hero [0(4)]

    Farrow Valkyries [8]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [5]

    - Stone Scribe Elder [3]

    Trollkin Barrage Team [8]

    Trollkin Champions (max) [16]

    - Skaldi Bonehammer [3]

  • Haste nich


    Theme: Defenders of Ios

    Kaelyssa, The Night's Whisper - WJ: +29

    - Aeternae - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)

    - Aeternae - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    Arcantrik Force Generator - PC: 17

    Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor - PC: 0

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios - PC: 6

    Priest of Nyssor - PC: 0

    Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 3

    Lys Healer - PC: 2

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Ryssovass Defenders - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15

    Ryssovass Defenders - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15

    House Vyre Electromancers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 5

    House Vyre Electromancers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 5

    Theme: Defenders of Ios

    Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn - WJ: +29

    - Hyperion - PC: 30 (Battlegroup Points Used: 29)

    - Hemera - PC: 15

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 0

    Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor - PC: 0

    Houseguard Thane - PC: 3

    Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - PC: 3

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Ghost Sniper - PC: 0

    Arcanist Mechanik - PC: 2

    Houseguard Halberdiers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard: 4

    - Soulless Escort - PC: 1

    Ryssovass Defenders - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15

    - Soulless Escort - PC: 1

    Stormfall Archers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 7

    House Vyre Electromancers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 5

    House Vyre Electromancers - Leader & 2 Grunts: 5


    Theme: Vengeance of Dhunia

    Brigadier General Gunnbjorn - WB: +28

    - Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)

    - Dozer & Smigg - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 12)

    War Wagon - PC: 16

    War Wagon - PC: 16

    Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo - PC: 0

    Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant - PC: 3

    Farrow Sapper - PC: 3

    Farrow Sapper - PC: 3

    Ledfoot & Tredz - PC: 7

    Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant - PC: 3

    General 'Thunderstone' Brug - PC: 0

    Dhunian Knot - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0

    Trollkin Barrage Team - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Trollkin Barrage Team - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Farrow Razorback Crew - Gunner & Grunt: 4

    Theme: Vengeance of Dhunia

    Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster - WB: +30

    - Pyre Troll - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8

    - Road Hog - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)

    - Troll Axer - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    Gudrun the Wasted - PC: 0

    Boomhowler, the Destroyer - PC: 8

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Rorsh - Rorsh & Brine: 14

    - Brine

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels - PC: 0

    - Dire Troll Brawler - PC: 14

    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1

    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5

    - Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 3

    Trollkin Champions - Leader & 4 Grunts: 16

    - Skaldi Bonehammer - PC: 0


    [Theme] Disciples of Agony

    [Jalaam 1] Primus Jalaam [+28]

    - Agonizer [0(5)]

    - Aradus Sentinel [12]

    - Aradus Sentinel [12]

    - Aradus Sentinel [12]

    - Basilisk Krea [7]

    - Cyclops Raider [9]

    Death Archon [9]

    Death Archon [9]

    Feralgeist [2]

    Mortitheurge Willbreaker [2]

    Paingiver Task Master [0(3)]

    Paingiver Task Master [0(3)]

    Tyrant Zaadesh [0(3)]

    - The Terrorizer [7]

    Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

    Siege Animantarax [17]

    [Theme] Masters of War

    [Mordikaar 1] Void Seer Mordikaar [+29]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Despoiler [14]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Makeda of House Balaash [0(4)]

    - Basilisk Krea [7]

    Cataphract Cetrati (min) [9]

    - Tyrant Vorkesh [0(5)]

    Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

    Praetorian Ferox (max) [17]

    Praetorian Swordsmen (max) [12]

    - Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard [3]

    Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [0(5)]

    Supreme Guardian [16]



    [Theme] Shadows of the Retribution

    [Goreshade 4] Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven [+28]

    - Phoenix [15]

    - Phoenix [15]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    Lys Healer [2]

    Lys Healer [2]

    Mage Hunter Assassin [0(4)]

    Void Archon [9]

    Void Archon [9]

    Mage Hunter Strike Force (max) [16]

    - Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander [4]

    Mage Hunter Strike Force (max) [16]

    - Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander [4]

    Spears of Scyrah [7]

    - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [0(6)]

    [Theme] Forges of War

    [Vyros 2] Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard [+27]

    - Discordia [18]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Griffon [8]

    - Imperatus [19]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    House Shyeel Artificer [3]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    House Shyeel Arcanists [0(6)]

    Marvash: Theme: Armored Corps

    Kommander Andrei Malakov - WJ: +28

    - Greylord Adjunct - PC: 3

    - Victor - PC: 32 (Battlegroup Points Used: 28)

    Man-O-War Kovnik - PC: 3

    Man-O-War Kovnik - PC: 3

    Bulkhead - PC: 0

    Man-O-War Suppression Tanker - PC: 0

    Man-O-War Suppression Tanker - PC: 0

    Man-O-War Strike Tanker - PC: 5

    Man-O-War Drakhun - PC: 8

    - Man-O-War Drakhun (Continued)

    Man-O-War Drakhun - PC: 8

    - Man-O-War Drakhun (Continued)

    Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 15

    - Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer - PC: 3

    Man-O-War Demolition Corps - Leader & 4 Grunts: 12

    - Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich - PC: 4

    Battle Mechaniks - Leader & 3 Grunts: 2

    Kommandant Atanas Arconovich & Standard - Arconovich & Standard Bearer: 5

    Theme: Jaws of the Wolf

    Karchev the Terrible - WJ: +30

    - Marauder - PC: 11 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)

    - Marauder - PC: 11 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)

    - Marauder - PC: 11 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8 )

    - Juggernaut - PC: 13

    - Juggernaut - PC: 13

    - Devastator - PC: 14

    Widowmaker Marksman - PC: 3

    Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff - PC: 0

    - Behemoth - PC: 20

    Widowmaker Scouts - Leader & 3 Grunts: 7

    Kayazy Eliminators - Leader & Grunt: 0

    Kayazy Eliminators - Leader & Grunt: 0

    Battle Mechaniks - Leader & 3 Grunts: 2


    [Theme] Prima Materia

    [Syvestro 1] Aurum Adeptus Syvestro [+28]

    - Suppressor [13]

    - Vulcan [35]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Crucible Guard Storm Troopers (max) [16]

    Dragon's Breath Rocket [4]

    Failed Experiments (max) [14]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

    [Theme] Magnum Opus

    [Gearhart 1] Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart [+30]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [0(4)]

    Crucible Guard Mechanik [1]

    Ragman [3]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Containment Operatives [8]

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (max) [13]

    Crucible Guard Storm Troopers (max) [16]

    Dragon's Breath Rocket [4]

    Failed Experiments (max) [14]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

  • Cappucino Special:

    Davy “Hard Place” Smets

    Flame in the Darkness

    Commander Coleman Stryker [+30]

    - Galleon [34]

    Glyn Cormier, Illuminated One [0(5)]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [0(5)]

    Morrowan Archon [8]

    Morrowan Archon [8]

    Ragman [0(3)]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Alexia Ciannor & the Risen [8]

    Field Mechaniks (min) [2]

    Order of Illumination Resolutes (max) [13]

    Order of Illumination Resolutes (max) [13]

    Sons of the Tempest

    Captain Jeremiah Kraye [+28]

    - Centurion [16]

    - Centurion [16]

    - Centurion [16]

    Captain Arlan Strangewayes [0(4)]

    Gun Mage Captain Adept [0(4)]

    Journeyman Lieutenant Allister Caine [0(4)]

    - Ace [10]

    Journeyman Warcaster [3]

    - Hunter [10]

    Lieutenant Bastian Falk [3]

    Arcane Tempest Gun Mages [9]

    - Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer [3]

    - Cyclone [12]

    Field Mechaniks (min) [2]

    Field Mechaniks (min) [2]

    Niels Vaes

    Jaws of the Wolf

    Kommander Andrei Malakov [+28]

    - Conquest [33]

    - Conquest [33]

    - Greylord Adjunct [3]

    Manhunter [2]

    Yuri the Axe [0(4)]

    Battle Mechaniks (min) [2]

    Croe's Cutthroats (max) [16]

    Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)]

    Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)]

    Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7]

    Kossite Woodsmen (min) [7]

    Armored Korps

    Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion [+27]

    - Behemoth [20]

    - Devastator [14]

    - Greylord Adjunct [3]

    Man-O-War Kovnik [3]

    Man-O-War Strike Tanker [0(5)]

    Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [6]

    Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)]

    Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)]

    Kommandant Atanas Arconovich & Standard [5]

    Man-O-War Bombardiers (max) [14]

    - Man-O-War Bombardier Officer [3]

    Man-O-War Demolition Corps (max) [12]

    - Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich [4]

    Man-O-War Shocktroopers (max) [15]

    - Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer [3]

    Christophe “Grumpy Dad” Dirckx

    Wolves of Winter

    Obavnik Kommander Zerkova [+27]

    - Victor [32]

    - Greylord Adjunct [3]

    Greylord Forge Seer [0(4)]

    Koldun Lord [3]

    Koldun Lord [3]

    Thamarite Archon [9]

    Thamarite Advocate [3]

    Void Archon [9]

    Battle Mechaniks (min) [2]

    - Battle Mechanik Officer [1]

    Greylord Outriders (min) [9]

    Greylord Outriders (max) [16]

    Greylord Ternion [0(5)]

    Greylord Ternion [0(5)]

    Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [7]

    - Koldun Kapitan Valachev [4]

    Jaws of the Wolf

    Karchev & Deathjack, Malignant Fusion [+27]

    - Kodiak [12]

    - Kodiak [12]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Marauder [11]

    - Greylord Adjunct [3]

    Kovnik Apprentice Kratikoff [0(4)]

    - Rager [9]

    Yuri the Axe [0(4)]

    Kayazy Eliminators [0(4)]


    Admiral Nelson

    [Theme] Children of the Dragon

    [Fyanna 2] Fyanna, Torment of Everblight [+28]

    - Angelius [14]

    - Mekanoshredder [4]

    - Typhon [18]

    - Zuriel [16]

    Annyssa Ryvaal [7]

    Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]

    Craelix, Fang of Everblight [0(5)]

    The Forsaken [4]

    Blackfrost Shard [9]

    Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (max) [15]

    - Blighted Nyss Swordsman Abbot & Champion [0(6)]

    Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (max) [15]

    - Blighted Nyss Swordsman Abbot & Champion [0(6)]

    [Theme] Children of the Dragon

    [Vayl 2] Vayl, Consul of Everblight [+28]

    - Angelius [14]

    - Carnivean [15]

    - Mekanoshredder [4]

    - Typhon [18]

    - Zuriel [16]

    Annyssa Ryvaal [7]

    Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]

    Craelix, Fang of Everblight [0(5)]

    Incubus (5) [4]

    The Forsaken [0(4)]

    Blackfrost Shard [9]

    Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (max) [15]

    - Blighted Nyss Swordsman Abbot & Champion [0(6)]


    [Theme] Destruction Initiative

    [Lucant 1] Father Lucant, the Divinity Architect [+28]

    - Cipher [13]

    - Corollary [5]

    - Inverter [14]

    - Prime Conflux [31]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Destructotron 3000 [0(6)]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Optifex Directive [0(3)]

    Optifex Directive [3]

    Transfinite Emergence Projector [16]

    [Theme] Destruction Initiative

    [Directrix 1] Iron Mother Directrix [+27]

    - Assimilator [14]

    - Corollary [5]

    - Monitor [14]

    - Monitor [14]

    - Monitor [14]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex [0(2)]

    Destructotron 3000 [0(6)]

    Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

    Elimination Servitors [0(3)]

    Optifex Directive [3]

    Transfinite Emergence Projector [16]

    Transfinite Emergence Projector [16]


    [Theme] Dark Host

    [Agathia 1] Bane Witch Agathia [+29]

    - Deathjack [18]

    - Reaper [11]

    - Ripjaw [6]

    - Skarlock Thrall [3]

    Bane Lord Tartarus [0(5)]

    Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

    Machine Wraith [2]

    Bane Knights (max) [13]

    - Bane Knight Officer [0(4)]

    Bane Riders (max) [17]

    Bane Warriors (max) [14]

    - Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [0(5)]

    Wraith Engine [15]

    [Theme] Dark Host

    [Deneghra 1] Warwitch Deneghra [+26]

    - Nightmare [18]

    - Nightwretch [7]

    - Nightwretch [7]

    - Skarlock Thrall [3]

    Bane Lord Tartarus [0(5)]

    Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

    Machine Wraith [2]

    Bane Knights (max) [13]

    - Bane Knight Officer [0(4)]

    Bane Riders (max) [17]

    Bane Warriors (max) [14]

    - Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [0(5)]

    Wraith Engine [15]

  • Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen:

    Wilder Micha

    [Xekaar 1] Beast Master Xekaar [+31]

    - Agonizer [0(5)]

    - Basilisk Krea [7]

    - Bronzeback Titan [16]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Cyclops Brute [8]

    - Titan Sentry [15]

    - Titan Sentry [15]

    - Aptimus Marketh [0(4)]

    Death Archon [9]

    Death Archon [9]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Mortitheurge Willbreaker [2]

    Paingiver Task Master [0(3)]

    Paingiver Task Master [0(3)]

    Tyrant Zaadesh [3]

    - The Terrorizer [7]

    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]

    [Rasheth 1] Dominar Rasheth [+28]

    - Agonizer [5]

    - Basilisk Krea [7]

    - Cyclops Raider [9]

    - Cyclops Shaman [7]

    Death Archon [9]

    Extoller Soulward [0(3)]

    Extoller Soulward [0(3)]

    Venator Dakar [3]

    Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

    Venator Flayer Cannon Crew [0(5)]

    Venator Flayer Cannon Crew [0(5)]

    Venator Reivers (max) [13]

    - Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [3]

    Venator Slingers (min) [8]

    Siege Animantarax [17]

    Siege Animantarax [17]

    Wilder Christopher

    THEME: The Faithful Masses

    The Harbinger of Menoth - WJ: +27

    - Hierophant - PC: 2

    - Devout - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Indictor - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Indictor - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - PC: 3

    Champion of the Order of the Wall - PC: 8

    - Champion of the Order of the Wall (Continued)

    Menite Archon - PC: 9

    Menite Archon - PC: 9

    High Paladin Dartan Vilmon - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    The Covenant of Menoth - PC: 0

    Paladin of the Order of the Wall - PC: 0

    Champion of the Order of the Wall - PC: 8

    - Champion of the Order of the Wall (Continued)

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Initiates of the Wall - Leader & Grunts: 7

    Initiates of the Wall - Leader & Grunts: 7

    Initiates of the Wall - Leader & Grunts: 7

    THEME: Warriors of the Old Faith

    Intercessor Kreoss - WJ: +28

    -Fire of Salvation - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Indictor - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Indictor - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)

    Champion of the Order of the Wall - PC: 8

    - Champion of the Order of the Wall (Continued)

    Champion of the Order of the Wall - PC: 8

    - Champion of the Order of the Wall (Continued)

    High Paladin Dartan Vilmon - PC: 0

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 0

    Menite Archon - PC: 9

    Menite Archon - PC: 9

    Vassal Mechanik - PC: 1

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Initiates of the Wall - Leader & Grunts: 7

    Initiates of the Wall - Leader & Grunts: 7

    Kossite Woodsmen - Leader & 9 Grunts: 11

    Milder JoJo

    [Theme] Oracles of Annihilation

    [Bethayne 1] Bethayne, Voice of Everblight [+22]

    - Archangel [35]

    Blight Archon [9]

    - Naga Nightlurker [7]

    Blighted Nyss Shepherd [1]

    Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion [0(6)]

    Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion [0(6)]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Thagrosh Hellborne [0(5)]

    - Mekanoshredder [4]

    - Typhon [18]

    The Wastelander [5]

    Virtue Champion [6]

    Virtue Champion [6]

    [Theme] Oracles of Annihilation

    [Lylyth 4] Mekanolyth [+28]

    - Carnivean [15]

    - Seraph [13]

    Blighted Nyss Sorceress & Hellion [0(6)]

    Death Archon [9]

    Death Archon [9]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Spell Martyr [1]

    Thagrosh Hellborne [0(5)]

    - Mekanoshredder [4]

    - Typhon [18]

    Virtue Champion [6]

    Virtue Champion [6]

    Yssylla [0(5)]

    Virtue Host [8]

    Virtue Host [8]



    Theme: Masters of War

    Makeda & the Exalted Court - WB: +25

    - Exalted Court

    - Aptimus Marketh - PC: 0

    - Agonizer - PC: 5

    - Bronzeback Titan - PC: 16

    - Titan Gladiator - PC: 13

    - Molik Karn - PC: 17

    - Basilisk Krea - PC: 7

    - Cyclops Savage - PC: 7

    - Cyclops Savage - PC: 7

    Mortitheurge Willbreaker - PC: 2

    Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - Tyrant & Bearer: 0

    Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    Praetorian Swordsmen - Leader & 9 Grunts: 12

    - Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard: 0

    Theme: Winds of Death

    Dominar Rasheth - WB: +28

    - Aptimus Marketh - PC: 0

    - Titan Cannoneer - PC: 14

    - Bronzeback Titan - PC: 16

    - Basilisk Krea - PC: 7

    - Cyclops Shaman - PC: 7

    - Titan Gladiator - PC: 13

    - Cyclops Raider - PC: 9

    Venator Dakar - PC: 3

    Venator Reivers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    - Venator Reiver Officer & Standard: 0

    Venator Slingers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    Venator Flayer Cannon Crew - Gunner & Grunt: 0

    Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7


    Theme: Band of Heroes

    Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller - WB: +29

    - Trollkin Runebearer - PC: 0

    - Dire Troll Mauler - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Troll Axer - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)

    - Pyre Troll - PC: 8 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)

    Fell Caller Hero - PC: 0

    Fell Caller Hero - PC: 0

    Stone Scribe Chronicler - PC: 2

    Horthol, Long Rider Hero - PC: 7

    - Horthol, Long Rider Hero (Continued)

    Trollkin Champions - Leader & 4 Grunts: 16

    - Skaldi Bonehammer - PC: 3

    Sons of Bragg - Wrathar, Tor & Rhudd: 8

    Trollkin Fennblades - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer - Officer & Drummer: 4

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    - Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 3

    Greygore Boomhowler & Co. - Boomhowler & 9 Grunts: 12

    Theme: The Power of Dhunia

    Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood - WB: +30

    - Trollkin Runebearer - PC: 0

    - Troll Impaler - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 9)

    - Dire Troll Mauler - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Slag Troll - PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 8)

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels - PC: 0

    - Mulg the Ancient - PC: 18

    - Troll Axer - PC: 8

    Horgle Ironstrike - PC: 4

    - Pyre Troll - PC: 8

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Stone Scribe Chronicler - PC: 2

    Northkin Shaman - PC: 2

    Northkin Shaman - PC: 2

    Feralgeist - PC: 2

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    - Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 3

    Greygore Boomhowler & Co. - Boomhowler & 9 Grunts: 12

    Dhunian Knot - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0


    [Theme] The Faithful Masses

    [Vindictus 1] Vice Scrutator Vindictus [+29]

    - Sanctifier [14]

    - Sanctifier [14]

    - Sanctifier [14]

    Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]

    Allegiant of the Order of the Fist [3]

    High Paladin Dartan Vilmon [0(5)]

    Menite Archon [9]

    Menite Archon [9]

    Wrack [1]

    Choir of Menoth (min) [4]

    Holy Zealots (min) [7]

    Idrian Skirmishers (max) [13]

    - Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [0(4)]

    Idrian Skirmishers (max) [13]

    - Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [0(4)]

    [Theme] Exemplar Interdiction

    [Durst 1] Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith [+28]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Dervish [7]

    - Devout [7]

    - Purifier [8]

    - Purifier [8]

    - Purifier [8]

    Exemplar Warder [0(5)]

    Exemplar Warder [0(5)]

    Vassal Mechanik [1]

    Vassal of Menoth [0(2)]

    Vassal of Menoth [0(2)]

    Wrack [1]

    Choir of Menoth (max) [6]

    Vessel of Judgment [15]

  • Affenjungs:


    [Theme] Power of Dhunia

    [Skuld 1] Jarl Skuld, Devil of the Thornwood [+30]

    - Dire Troll Bomber [16]

    - Mulg the Ancient [18]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Hermit of Henge Hold [5]

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels [0(5)]

    - Mountain King [33]

    - Troll Axer [8]

    Northkin Shaman [2]

    Dhunian Knot [0(6)]

    Bog Trog Ambusher [7]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [7]

    - Stone Scribe Elder [3]

    [Theme] Storm of the North

    [Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]

    - Dire Troll Bomber [16]

    - Dire Troll Mauler [13]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Bumbles [6]

    Fell Caller Hero [4]

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels [0(5)]

    - Troll Axer [8]

    Rorsh [14]

    Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(5)]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [7]

    - Northkin Elder [3]

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10]

    Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears [10]

    Northkin Fire Eaters [6]

    Northkin Fire Eaters [6]


    Theme: Vengeance of Dhunia

    Brigadier General Gunnbjorn - WB: +28

    - Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)

    - Dozer & Smigg - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 12)

    Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant - PC: 3

    Pyg Tank - PC: 0

    Rorsh - Rorsh & Brine: 14

    - Brine

    Ledfoot & Tredz - PC: 7

    Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant - PC: 3

    Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter - PC: 0

    Pyg Tank - PC: 5

    Trollkin Barrage Team - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Trollkin Barrage Team - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Trollkin Barrage Team - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Dhunian Knot - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0

    Thumper Crew - Gunner & 2 Grunts: 5

    Thumper Crew - Gunner & 2 Grunts: 5

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5

    Theme: The Power of Dhunia

    Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller - WB: +29

    - Trollkin Runebearer - PC: 0

    - Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)

    - Mulg the Ancient - PC: 18 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    Madrak Ironhide, Champion of the Kriels - PC: 0

    - Mountain King - PC: 33

    - Troll Axer - PC: 8

    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    Troll Whelps - PC: 1

    Dhunian Knot - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7

    - Stone Scribe Elder - PC: 3

    Bog Trog Ambushers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 7


    Theme: Dark Menagerie

    The Wanderer - WB: +28

    - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts - PC: 0

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13

    - Crabbit - PC: 3

    Death Knell - PC: 11

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Lady Karianna Rose - PC: 3

    Witchwood - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    Isaiah, Dread Harvester - PC: 8

    - Isaiah, Dread Harvester (Continued)

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 3

    Theme: Bump in the Night

    Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper - WB: +29

    - Baron Tonguelick, Lord of Warts - PC: 4

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Crabbit - PC: 3 (Battlegroup Points Used: 3)

    Grave Ghoul - PC: 4

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Witchwood - PC: 0

    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 5

    Malady Man - Malady Man & Monkey: 0

    Malady Man - Malady Man & Monkey: 0

    Murder Crows - Leader & 5 Grunts: 9

    Neigh Slayers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 12

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse - PC: 4

    Neigh Slayers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 12

    - Neigh Slayer War Horse - PC: 4

    Twilight Sisters - Heidrun & Agrona: 5

    Dice and Duty:


    Theme: Dark Menagerie

    The Dreamer - WB: +28

    - Phantasm

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Skin & Moans - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13

    - Cage Rager - PC: 13

    - Cage Rager - PC: 13

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    - Gorehound - PC: 6

    Death Knell - PC: 11

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Gremlin Swarm - PC: 0

    Witchwood - PC: 0

    Lady Karianna Rose - PC: 0

    Theme: Bump in the Night

    The Wanderer - WB: +28

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Clockatrice - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Cage Rager - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)

    Isaiah, Dread Harvester - PC: 8

    - Isaiah, Dread Harvester (Continued)

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Defiled Archon - PC: 8

    Grave Ghoul - PC: 4

    Trapperkin - PC: 0

    Trapperkin - PC: 0

    Grave Ghoul - PC: 4

    Dread Rots - Leader & 9 Grunts: 12

    Dread Rots - Leader & 9 Grunts: 12

    Mad Caps - Boss & 2 Grunts: 3

    Twilight Sisters - Heidrun & Agrona: 5

    Malady Man - Malady Man & Monkey: 0

    Malady Man - Malady Man & Monkey: 0

    Mike [Theme] Defenders of Ios

    [Ossyan 1] Lord Arcanist Ossyan [+28]

    - Aeternae [16]

    - Aeternae [16]

    - Hypnos [16]

    - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker [0(4)]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Ghost Sniper [0(3)]

    Ghost Sniper [0(3)]

    Scythe [6]

    Heavy Rifle Team [0(3)]

    Heavy Rifle Team [3]

    House Vyre Electromancers [5]

    House Vyre Electromancers [5]

    Dawnguard Trident [16]

    Dawnguard Trident [16]

    [Theme] Defenders of Ios

    [Goreshade 4] Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven [+28]

    - Aeternae [16]

    - Phoenix [15]

    - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker [0(4)]

    Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor [0(5)]

    Arcanist Mechanik [2]

    Death Archon [9]

    Ghost Sniper [0(3)]

    Ghost Sniper [0(3)]

    House Ellowuyr Warden Executioner [6]

    Priest of Nyssor [4]

    Scythe [6]

    House Ellowuyr Wardens (max) [14]

    - Soulless Escort (1) [1]

    Ryssovass Defenders (max) [15]

    Ryssovass Defenders (max) [15]


    [Theme] Band of Heroes

    [Madrak 3] Madrak, Great Chieftain [+29]

    - Earthborn Dire Troll [12]

    - Earthborn Dire Troll [12]

    - Pyre Troll [8]

    - Trollkin Runebearer [0(4)]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Fell Caller Hero [0(4)]

    Stone Scribe Chronicler [2]

    Kriel Warriors (min) [7]

    - Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (2) [4]

    Kriel Warriors (max) [11]

    - Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (2) [4]

    Sons of Bragg [8]

    Trollkin Fennblades (max) [13]

    - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [0(4)]

    Trollkin Long Riders (max) [17]

    [Theme] Vengeance of Dhunia

    [Azazello 1] Lord Azazello, the Castellan [+29]

    - Earthborn Dire Troll [12]

    - Pyre Troll [8]

    - Road Hog [15]

    Boomhowler, the Destroyer [8]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Dhunian Archon [6]

    Gudrun the Wasted [0(5)]

    Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

    Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

    Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

    Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]

    Trollkin Champion Hero [0(4)]

    Dhunian Knot [0(6)]

    Farrow Valkyries [8]

    Farrow Valkyries [8]

    Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [5]

    - Stone Scribe Elder [3]

    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]

    Trollkin Champions (max) [16]

    - Skaldi Bonehammer [3]

    Kommander Wurschbrot:

    Moritz "Moe-Joe"

    Theme: The Creator's Might

    Grand Scrutator Severius - WJ: +28

    - Hierophant - PC: 0

    - Reckoner - PC: 14 (Battlegroup Points Used: 14)

    - Blessing of Vengeance - PC: 11 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)

    - Redeemer - PC: 10 (Battlegroup Points Used: 3)

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Initiate Tristan Durant - PC: 0

    - Judicator - PC: 35

    Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist - PC: 4

    Vassal Mechanik - PC: 1

    Idrian Skirmishers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13

    - Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide - Chieftain & Guide: 4

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard - Rhoven, Gius & Cassian: 7

    Theme: Exemplar Interdiction

    High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza - WJ: +29

    - Hierophant - PC: 0

    - Fire of Salvation - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

    - Dervish - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Dervish - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)

    - Dervish - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)

    - Devout - PC: 7

    - Devout - PC: 7

    - Devout - PC: 7

    - Crusader - PC: 10

    - Crusader - PC: 10

    - Templar - PC: 13

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Vassal of Menoth - PC: 0

    Wrack - PC: 0

    Wrack - PC: 0

    Wrack - PC: 0

    Anastasia di Bray - PC: 3

    Vassal Mechanik - PC: 1

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4

    Moritz "Last-Knight"

    [Theme] Dark Host

    [Goreshade 3] Goreshade, Lord of Ruin [+27]

    - Kraken [32]

    Bane Lord Tartarus [0(5)]

    Darragh Wrathe [7]

    Eilish Garrity, the Occultist [5]

    Necrotech [1]

    Scrap Thrall (3) [0(2)]

    Bane Riders (max) [17]

    Bane Riders (max) [17]

    Bane Warriors (min) [8]

    - Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [0(5)]

    Wraith Engine [15]

    [Theme] Slaughter Fleet Raiders (Scourge of the Broken Coast)

    [Deneghra 1] Warwitch Deneghra [+26]

    - Barathrum [13]

    - Corruptor [12]

    - Deathripper [5]

    Axiara Wraithblade [0(5)]

    General Gerlak Slaughterborn [0(5)]

    Ragman [3]

    Satyxis Raider Captain [3]

    Warwitch Siren [3]

    Bloodgorgers (max) [13]

    - Jussika Bloodtongue [0(4)]

    Satyxis Blood Witches (max) [11]

    - Satyxis Blood Hag [4]

    Satyxis Raiders (max) [14]

    - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]

    Satyxis Raiders (max) [14]

    - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]

    OrgaListe (entweder Ret oder Khador)

  • So, ein Team ist mir durchgerutscht. Hier sind die Listen von...

    Top Tables Finest:


    Theme: Disciples of Agony
    Beast Master Xekaar - WB: +31
    - Aptimus Marketh - PC: 4
    - Mammoth - PC: 32 (Battlegroup Points Used: 31)
    - Agonizer - PC: 0
    - Cyclops Brute - PC: 8
    - Cyclops Brute - PC: 8
    Tyrant Zaadesh - PC: 3
    - Basilisk Krea - PC: 7
    - The Terrorizer - PC: 7
    Void Archon - PC: 9
    Void Archon - PC: 9
    Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor - PC: 0
    Paingiver Task Master - PC: 0
    Paingiver Task Master - PC: 0
    Paingiver Beast Handlers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
    Paingiver Bloodrunners - Leader & 5 Grunts: 6
    Farrow Valkyries - Leader & 2 Grunts: 8

    Theme: The Exalted
    Zaal, The Ancestral Advocate - WB: +29
    - Basilisk Krea - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
    - Cyclops Shaman - PC: 7 (Battlegroup Points Used: 7)
    - Bronzeback Titan - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)
    Supreme Guardian - PC: 16
    Supreme Guardian - PC: 16
    Extoller Novitiate - PC: 0
    Extoller Novitiate - PC: 0
    Extoller Novitiate - PC: 0
    Hakaar the Destroyer - PC: 6
    Ancestral Guardian - PC: 0
    Abidan the Keeper - PC: 0
    Swamp Gobber Chef - PC: 1
    Immortal Vessel - PC: 3
    Immortals - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13
    - Extoller Advocate - PC: 3
    Immortals - Leader & 9 Grunts: 13
    - Extoller Advocate - PC: 3


    Theme: The Bones of Orboros
    Krueger the Stormlord - WB: +27
    - Woldwarden - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
    - Woldwarden - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
    - Woldwarden - PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 1)
    - Woldwyrd - PC: 8
    - Woldwyrd - PC: 8
    - Megalith - PC: 17
    Well of Orboros - PC: 10
    Death Archon - PC: 9
    Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 2
    Blackclad Stoneshaper - PC: 2
    Chuck Dogwood - PC: 4
    Gallows Grove - PC: 0
    Gallows Grove - PC: 0
    Gallows Grove - PC: 0
    Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 0
    Sentry Stone & Mannikins - Leader & 3 Grunts: 0
    Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 3

    Theme: Secret Masters
    Una the Skyhunter - WB: +29
    - Druid Wilder - PC: 3
    - Storm Raptor - PC: 34 (Battlegroup Points Used: 29)
    - Storm Raptor - PC: 34
    Bog Trog Mist Speaker - PC: 3
    Dez & Gubbin, Dynamite Duo - PC: 0
    Hermit of Henge Hold - PC: 0
    Gudrun the Wasted - PC: 0
    Dhunian Archon - PC: 6
    Primal Archon - PC: 8
    Primal Archon - PC: 8
    Swamp Gobber River Raider - PC: 1
    The Wastelander - PC: 5
    Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - Leader & 1 Grunt: 2


    [Theme] Magnum Opus

    [Syvestro 1] Aurum Adeptus Syvestro [+28]

    - Suppressor [13]

    - Toro [13]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist [4]

    Rocketman Ace [3]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Combat Alchemists [7]

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (max) [13]

    Steelhead Halberdiers (max) [11]

    - Doctor Alejandro Mosby [4]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

    [Theme] Prima Materia

    [Gearhart 1] Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart [+30]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Vindicator [15]

    - Aurum Ominus Alyce Marc [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [0(4)]

    Ascendant Mentalist [4]

    Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist [4]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Trancer [0(3)]

    Combat Alchemists [7]

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (max) [13]

    Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (max) [13]

    Dragon's Breath Rocket [4]

    Failed Experiments (max) [14]

    Railless Interceptor [16]

  • Abend alle zusammen. Ein Kollege aus unserem Team ist nicht sicher ob er seine Lieferung vor dem Tunier bekommt. Daher die Frage ob jemand 2 units Failed Experiments ausleihen könnte ?

    Danke schonmal :)

    1 Einheit kann ich mitbringen und ansonsten mal den Andi fragen.

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